There was a time, and there lived a group of ancient and medieval scientists called the alchemists learned intellectuals based in Arabic peninsula and the Indian subcontinent and across Western Europe, they all were consolidated with a common aim.

The aim was to look for the mysterious hypothetical ingredient. These ingredients could turn into base metals such as lead that was to be turned into valuable gold and silver and excavating diamonds from carbon stocks. The seven hundred years search from the current time was an era of popular imagination.

Beyond legends of discoveries obscured or suppressed by secret societies, no such artefacts ever produced. But beyond the legends, something authentic was achieved in establishing the principles and working practices of modern chemistry and all of the contributions it was eventually to produce.

It is that thing that we call learning the various stages and theories of learning exist as artefacts of this search. They each provide a set of ideas and propositions about the key ingredients and combinations which transform learning.

In this blog, I am going to set out to introduce the readers of this blog, a sample of theories and provide a rudimentary grounding in some critical perspectives on learning. In exploring them, we should remember that they are like the alchemists who seek something different.

Keys to Understand How Your Kids’ Learn

  • Believing in the fact that children learn well when they feel safe and supportive environment. Children learn when their parents and other fellows allow them to be kids.
  • When they do what they are naturally born to do, which is play, run, jump, explore touch things and ask questions.
  • Children learn when they are in an environment where they are trusted to be who they are. They attempt to learn the things when their interest and the developmental stage gets respected by their elders.
  • They learn with the potential when they learn to create the meanings of the doings.
  • In a play-based environment, children are naturally drawn to reading. They naturally become observance and develop their mood with more curiosity.
  • They start showing interest in knowing the things what thus sign says or what that symbol means. They have to think about their world, and it is not just thrown at them.
  • When you see them enjoying thinking and enjoying learning, this will help you understand their learning behind.

The philosophical stuff around

  • An alchemist’s opinions can derive from a keen observance that enables him to find through something vaguely mythical that single idea that describes and unlocks the learning in reality probably does not exist in reality.
  • Instead, learning is complex, individualistic and multi-faceted, but this is not to say that our quest is complete without purpose.
  • As each perspective has in its own way, expose some reality around the process by which learning sometimes occurs. All this brings with it useful implications for the educator.

The conventions laid by philosophers

The concept of the true meaning of learning is an old timed philosophy. For instance, in western culture, it is notable in the work of the Greek philosophers. They found a broader discourse on the nature of knowledge and understanding.

‘Plato’ for example, enforced on the principle that learning occurs within the individual through their systematic and reasoned thought and reflection. His disciple- ‘Socrates’ then followed him.

Socrates complied with the need to go further singular in through introspection and have a dialogue with others. The dialogues must be fruitful, whereby another person interrogated and probed one’s reasoning.

Elsewhere, Aristotle initiated the virtues of empiricism with a notion that understating came not from introspection but systematic observation of the outside world.

In this way, we see that thinkers attempt to establish conventions, not just on the nature of the subject but also on knowledge generation and the nature of learning.

Meaningful financial tracking

 A time comes in the life when you have to think for your wards’ accomplishments through study and make them learn all aspects of life, but with the insufficiency of monetary means, you find yourself incapable.

The instant loans in Ireland are there to support you to your pocket to make investments in your kid’s leaning.

The loans you will get can replenish the order wise propositions of making the convincing schedule of leering of your wards. These loans you are getting are providing by direct lenders with comfortable and sustainable mediums.


We in education have our potential to convert a lead into gold. Our single unifying quest we too seek the magical transformative ingredient. There is substance whether metal, non-metal or alloys and mines and the transformation that we see is not a material one but conceptual.

Therefore, making our child grow is not more than a challenging task.


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